Instagram in 2022 is far from losing it’s charm and popularity despite so many other social media platforms popping up everywhere.  The “Gram,” once famous for sharing photos, is much more now. Everyone, from brands to celebrities included, is using it to gain fame, visibility, and Instagram follower growth

This visually impactful and dynamic platform is forever evolving and still plays a vital part in providing outreach and communication for everyone. As a result, it has become one of the world’s top marketing channels. 

Tempted yet? You can boost your account today and get those followers rolling in. For more strategies, check out these tips to increase Instagram followers and see your profile grow exponentially.

What better way to begin than to create an excellent Instagram bio, right? We will give you all the insider tricks, with some bonus tips and examples for writing a bio. This bio will help grow your Instagram and make you stand out in an eye-catching way. Additionally, pairing your bio with writing effective Instagram captions can further enhance your profile’s engagement and appeal.

Understanding The Instagram Bio 

man sitting on chair using laptop

Let us understand an Instagram bio before we get into how to make it great. 

Your bio is a description of your account that can be up to 150 characters and is at the very top of your profile page. It is right next to where your profile picture is. 

Bio is like a short introduction to your Instagram account and an instant way to share information with your users about who you are and what you have to offer. 

There is more…

The bio doesn’t end with those 150 words but includes other details, such as your username, name, contact details, category, etc. They all play a significant role in making your bio shine and should be considered part of it. 

Did you know that it takes approximately 7 seconds or less to make an impression when someone meets you? 

Well, that is what your Instagram bio will do for you, but maybe in a shorter time due to the limited attention span on the internet. 

So, it doesn’t matter if you are an individual or a business; you need to make every word count. Your Instagram bio will establish your presence. So let’s make a good first impression.

Make a Checklist

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Your Instagram bio represents you, so you should list things that highlight your personality or your business before creating it. Brainstorming will clarify your goal, making it easier to create the rest of your bio.

Here are a few points that can be utilized if you are an individual or a brand.

  • What type of personality are you or your brand? Witty, sophisticated, adventurous? This helps create a brand voice
  • What relevant keywords can you think of that can be plugged into your bio for better search optimization?
  • Do you have special skills? Or does your business have any USP (Unique Selling Property)? If so, that can be the main driving force to attract more impressions and followers
  • What is your goal? Do you want to get more followers? What do you seek? Visibility or just a presence to support your brand or your own existence 

1. Name it Right:

Your Instagram username is not a small decision. Choosing the right IG name is important. It should be memorable because it is the easiest way for people to find you. 

Parents are meticulous about naming their children, so why can’t the same amount of energy be used for Instagram? Especially when it’s your business. 

Let’s note some Dos and Don’ts:

DO be creative and think outside of the box. Take Lizzo, the famous rapper, for example. Her Instagram handle name is @lizzobeeating. She is a musician, but she loves food and does beatbox flute. See how she incorporated those into her name? So yes, let’s learn and implement that because catchy tend to be memorable.

DON’T be vague. It is not advisable to be obscure when you want people to not only know you but also remember who you are and find you easily. Be creative, not abstract.

DO utilize the name field. Other than the username, you also have a “name” field. This is where you can add a bit extra. Do you offer a service? Talents? We can see Maya from @fitgreenmind as an example. She has written her name and added vegan recipes in front. This serves a dual purpose. Her name is mentioned, as well as what her Instagram is about. These serve as keywords when someone is searching for you.

2. Tell a Story:

woman on laptop writing graphic

We all love a good story. Humans have had a natural ability for storytelling since cavemen days. They told stories through cave paintings, and now you have your bio to do the same. However, there are a few points to keep in mind.

  • Keep it relevant. Your bio should be about you or what you offer, and it can also be about your personality. No matter what you plan to share, there still needs to be relevancy, and the information cannot be disconnected from reality
  • Keep it to the point. No rule says you must write 150 words. The bio can be shorter than that. You can focus on important keywords and keep them simple
  • Keep it fun. Short or long, a meaningful bio will make the viewer want to know more. Two totally different but good references are @latermedia and @Nike. Their bios personify who they are
  • Keep a quote if all else fails. Of course, you can never go wrong with using your favourite quote in your bio, as that always does the trick. However, pick something that connects with you or your brand


@latermedia social mediaYou might be thinking, how in the world are we supposed to focus on the layout? Get your creative juices flowing. You can create a dynamic bio using line breaks, emojis, and hashtags.  

– Emojis and Symbols: Using them spaces out the information you want to share, highlights the key points, makes text-heavy areas easy to grasp, and overall, everything looks fun.

– Line Breaks: This is an effective way of breaking the information into parts. You can plan out the flow of what you want your viewers to read, making your bio bite-sized and easy to communicate. You can control spacing through line breaks on the web version of Instagram.

– Hashtags: These have a great purpose. Not only do they look like highlights, but they also serve as keywords. So when people search for this particular keyword, your account is more likely to appear. Win-win situation.  

We can take @latermedia as a reference again, as they have used the layout concept well in their bio.

Details Matter

Never neglect the rest of the information supporting your bio. Make sure you fill out the contact details, add the links, and specify the category and pronouns. All these are crucial and valuable assets to your bio.

Explore and Experiment

The best thing about Instagram bios is flexibility. You can update it anytime. There is so much you can do. Add a new quote every month and specific hashtags for giveaways or campaigns; the possibilities are limitless. So don’t restrict yourself and keep experimenting.

These guidelines will make your bio look good and help you gain followers, which is what we all want. Of course, you can pick and choose to create a mix that works for you. If there is still a struggle to create the impact you desire, then don’t stress. You can always try Growth Beast. This will help you easily grow your Instagram followers and visibility. Growth Beast is a nifty and easy-to-use extension. The good part is that you can try it for free to test how it will help you with your Instagram marketing.

The most important thing is to start. So go now and have some fun.