Videos and Viral are two of the most crucial things for a holistic marketing approach. They equal engagement on social media platforms as they are more popular than images. Although photos tend to get more likes per post, videos drive more comments on average.

According to an Instagram survey, 91% of users said they watch videos weekly. 59% of users prefer seeing more video content from brands.

With time, Instagram is broadening the video trend and introducing new features to enhance it. Now you can use the power of video in 4 forms to create real impact and grow your following while optimising your video marketing strategy:

  1. Video posts
  2. Video Stories
  3. Reels
  4. Live

The Benefits of Instagram Videos:

Be it in any form, videos can transform your trending game. Here is why holistic videos are important

  1. They help you build stronger connections with your followers
  2. You can reach new audiences and increase your reach
  3. Video creates a rippling impact that snowballs into massive traffic
  4. If conducted effectively, a video campaign can lead to measurable results
  5. Buzz-worthy videos lead the way and help you top the competition
  6. They amplify your content and make it more immersive and interactive

Are All Instagram Videos impactful?

No! The truth is that with 2 million users posting content continuously, your video content can easily get lost in all the noise.

No matter how killer your video is, it will be useless if it fails to reach your target audience. So, for a video to be impactful on Instagram, it has to be famous too!

You cannot expect your content to reach viewers even when it is top-notch. Trusting current followers to reshare and make a video viral may work for big brands with huge followings, but this is not a smart strategy for beginners. Understanding how many followers to make money on Instagram can give you a clearer picture of the effort required to monetize your content. Knowing this can help you set realistic goals and strategies for your video content.

So if you have a new profile, you have to put in a lot of effort to ensure that your content reaches the maximum number of people. Here are some ways by which you can flex your video strategy and make it viral.

instagram video example igtv

1. Consistency is The Key.

Instagram is all about posting regularly. Users check this platform at least once a day. So if you want them to see your videos, post them daily in different formats. Add sneak peeks, behind-the-scenes, and bloopers to create hype so that your video remains afloat in the sea of other content.

Remember, popular videos are not generated overnight. They require a constant push. You can collaborate with influencers to promote your videos and boost them through paid ads. If a video isn’t performing as expected, tweak it and repost it. There is no penalty for resharing!

2. Fear of Missing Out (FOMO)

FOMO or Fear Of Missing Out is a term that has increased in popularity in 2022. FOMO can be used as a technique used by top marketers. You can attract a wide audience by creating a sense of urgency through your videos. This can easily be done by uploading them during a certain period or for a certain event.

To make popular videos, you also have to give your viewers content that can hold their attention span as the Instagram algorithm notices when a video is watched longer rather than simply scrolled past. Capturing the viewer’s attention is subsequently rewarded with making the video trend or appear higher in your audience’s feed.

The first 3 seconds matter a lot. If you can bait the eyes there, the video will be a hit. Complementing your video with the best Instagram captions can further enhance engagement and make your content more appealing. Captions can provide context, add humor, or create a sense of urgency, all of which contribute to the overall impact of your video. Your content’s first impression should instil a feeling of excitement, curiosity, or rush. Do this successfully by adding FOMO elements. It could be anything from music to short recaps, testimonials, etc.

3. Quality Over Quantity:

When we say you have to be consistent doesn’t mean you should compromise on quality. Instagrammers are very peculiar about quality, especially when watching video content. This is because they could easily find better content elsewhere and unfollow you if they feel your calibre is declining.

So instead of creating many videos with fluffy content and insufficient resources, make one worthwhile video. Utilizing Instagram tools can significantly enhance the quality of your videos. These tools can help with editing, scheduling, and analyzing your content, ensuring that each video you produce is of the highest quality and reaches the right audience. Trust us; it will generate more views than all other sub-par videos.

Here are some tips to help generate better quality that creates waves for you:

  1. Ensure lighting is on point. Dark and poorly lit videos are a turn-off for many users. You don’t need a studio for this. Just record videos in the daytime, especially during golden hours, to create more impact.
  2. The Shots should be steady as no viewer wants a chaotic roller coaster experience. Present your audience with comprehensible scenes. Try using a tripod instead of trusting your hands.
  3. Another genius way to capture the user’s eye is The Rule of Thirds. This feature can be found in any smartphone’s camera. It divides your screen into nine equal grids. Place the subject of your video where 2 of the 4 grids intersect, and your viewers will concentrate better.

4. Inspire with Instagram Stories

The full-screen story mode is perfect for videos. So use it to spark engagement. For businesses, leveraging Instagram Stories for business can be a game-changer. Stories offer a unique way to connect with your audience, showcase products, and drive traffic to your website. By mastering this feature, you can create compelling narratives that resonate with your followers and boost your brand’s visibility. Videos have a better chance of becoming popular via Stories as they drive action daily.

Posts tend to get buried due to content overload, so creating video stories is more conducive, especially when advertising. According to IG internal reports,  50% of users visit a website after watching captivating videos on Stories.

5. Thumbnail Thrives

Most Instagrammers are young, and they love glances. Instead of staring at their feed, they will scroll through it pretty quickly and mindlessly. So to grasp their attention, your content has to be captivating in just a few seconds. And that’s where your thumbnail comes into play.

Thumbnail provides the first glimpse of your video. It is the cover that IG allows you to select as the front view. It can be either the most captivating scene of the video or a particular graphic that holds the potential to make the user’s eye pop.

So choose the thumbnail wisely because it’s one thing to have a catchy video and another to have a catchy cover. Users won’t find out if your content is worthwhile until the cover makes them look back at it. Ensure that the thumbnail thrives on driving maximum traffic,

6. Timings Matter a Lot

You may have the best lighting, excellent quality, relatable content, and glam in your videos, but sometimes this is not enough. A crucial thing to ponder when uploading videos on Instagram is timings.

You cannot upload videos when your followers are asleep and expect them to garner likes and views. Instead, find out the hours when your target audience is active and post videos at that time. Your professional dashboard can provide you with the time chart, or you can keep an eye on your competitor to see when they post. This is especially relevant when publishing live videos.

Instagram live example

7. Keep it Short

Hopefully, by applying the methods above, you successfully make viewers stop and stare at your video. But the real deal is to keep that attention until the end. For that, you have to ensure your content is fool-proof and short.

As mentioned above, most IG users are young and hate spending time on a single video or post. If they find the duration too long, they will leave without glancing back. So ensure that your videos are short and convey the message quickly. No fluff = More engagement

Moreover, Instagram  knows its audience too, so it has specified lengths for each video format:

Stories: max 15 seconds

Reels: 60 seconds, 90 seconds (in some regions)

Video posts: 1 minute

Instagram Videos Made Easy.

After reading this far, we hope you understand that creating stunning videos isn’t just for big brands. You can also churn up viral videos if you follow the tips above. There is no need to invest in costly cameras or hire professional videographers.

So if you have a great idea, don’t hesitate to convert it into video format. Don’t wait for the right moment. Create viral moments now by putting life in your visuals. Your audience will automatically share it proudly, and you can sit back and watch your content become popular.

So without further ado, get your cameras ready and record amazing videos to gain more followers.